The Toolkit consists of the Social Media Handbook, a video walk-through of the Handbook, and some short how-to videos about things like website contact forms and Facebook messages.
2. How to respond to emails from the Contact Forms on your website
Now that April is here, we’re running ads every month on Google that will drive traffic to your website, resulting in more Contact and Hiring forms being filled out. We’ve created a short video showing you what how those forms are set up and what they will look like when they show up in your inbox.
3. How to set up a consultation with me if you have questions or want to talk about social media strategy
We’ve been talking about social media and digital marketing at the regional trainings that the Reliance ASP team has been conducting over the last few weeks, but I want to make myself available if you have other questions or would like a one-on-one consultation. I use Calendly to schedule those kinds of things, so if you’d like to chat, click the link below and pick out a time slot.